Membership Info
Renew your membership!
Did you know June 1, 2024 you can renew your membership for the 2024-2025 year online?
Please look at your profile to make sure you have not already paid. Some of you have already renewed. - LOG INTO: If you do not remember your username or password, please contact the webmaster Brenda Ternullo, or simply click FORGOT PASSWORD. Email for Brenda Ternullo: Here is a great video on how to renew your dues online: Renewing online
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I renew my membership? Please sign into the website with your user name and password and use the renew now button. (be sure to click on the correct payment type form either Credit/Debit or E-Check form. Here is a great video on how to renew your dues online: Renewing online
You can also pay at your chapter meeting. Your chapter will do a dues renewal, on your behalf.
Click Here for the 2024-2025 Membership Form. Click Here for the 2024-2025 Membership Transfer Form of if you are joining as an Associate Member Click Here . If you have any questions, please let us know ~
How do I get a membership card? Ask your Chapter President or Financial Secretary for your Membership Card.
How do I order Blue Star Mother from the online store items? Go to the link here. Make sure to to choose the correct payment method
Who Can Join Blue Star Mothers of New Hampshire
Full Membership Opened up to more Mothers!
A change in the law (since we're a congressionally-chartered organization, after all), passed by congress and signed by President Obama, allows Foster Mothers, Grandmothers, and Female Legal Guardians of active duty and retired service people to join us as Full Members. Even if you don't fit into any of these categories, you're welcome to join as an Associate Member (and even Dads fit into this slot!). Come to our meeting and look us over - we think you'll decide to join.
Click Here for the 2024-2025 Membership Form. Click Here for the 2024-2025 Membership Transfer Form of if you are joining as an Associate Member Click Here.
Blue Star Mothers
A Mother or Stepmother (since the child was of the age of 13) who has a son or daughter who is serving, or has been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States. Services included are the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserve Units, and the Merchant Marines.
Click Here for the 2024-2025 Membership Form. Click Here for the 2024-2025 Membership Transfer Form of if you are joining as an Associate Member Click Here.
Blue Star Dads (see associate member)
A Father or Step Father (since the child was of the age of thirteen) who has a son or daughter who is serving, or has been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States. Services included are the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserve Units, and the Merchant Marines.
If you are joining as an Associate Member Click Here
Blue Star Associates
A spouse, sister, brother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or friend of someone who is serving, or has been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States. Services included are the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserve Units, and the Merchant Marines.
If you are joining as an Associate Member Click Here
Dues for a Blue Star Mother is $30.00 per year and can be paid on line by going to the National website and clicking on "Join/Renew Link” if you are a new member fill out the information or if you are renewing your dues log on to complete your application. Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. or by down loading the application.
Here is a great video on how to renew your dues online: Renewing online
Click Here for the 2024-2025 Membership Form. Click Here for the 2024-2025 Membership Transfer Form of if you are joining as an Associate Member Click Here.
Please submit your application to our local chapter, Blue Star Mothers of N.H., Chapter 1.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
The “Big Dipper” Organization
The Big Dipper is an auxiliary of Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc., that came into being in Milwaukee, Wisconsin November 7 at the 1951 National Convention. The objectives of the organization are threefold: 1) honoring outstanding members of the Blue Star Mothers, 2) sponsoring a “Fun Night” at conventions and 3) providing educational assistance. In the beginning membership was very exclusive. To be a member of Big Dipper a Blue Star Mother (BSMA) had to be an active member of her local chapter for at least one year, preferably an officer. The local Chapter had to nominate potential candidates, then vote, indicating their chapter’s choice for membership. It was a great honor to be chosen as a member of Big Dipper.
The educational assistance fund was dedicated to the memory of Josephine Calenda of PA 22 at the National BSMA Convention held in Lansing, Michigan in 1989. Josephine, after many years of active service in BSMA, died that year while holding the office of National Big Dipper President.
Today all BSMA members in good standing are encouraged to become a member of Big Dipper. Membership is easily accomplished. You submit your name, address, application form (found on the National Website) and $10.00 in dues through your BSMA Chapter’s Financial Secretary to your State’s (or National) Big Dipper Financial Secretary. One half of the dues stay with the State’s Big Dipper. The other half of the dues goes to National Big Dipper. If there is no State Department Big Dipper, then all the dues go to National Big Dipper Financial Secretary.
The second objective is to sponsor a Fun Night which is held, traditionally on Friday evening of Convention for both the National and Department. This event is held at the request or permission of the Big Dipper President and the President of the parent organization. This is a time to promote harmony, goodwill, cooperation and fellowship, not just among Big Dipper members, but among all BSMA. This event is also a way to raise more money for the educational assistance fund, which comes from the dues of Big Dipper members and any possible donations.
To provide educational assistance to a worthy veteran (Active duty, Reservists, or National Guard) or a child(ren) or grandchild(ren) of a veteran or BSMA . At National Convention 2007, The Big Dipper governing body, consisting of the entire membership in attendance, voted to extend this educational assistance to the BSMAs themselves.
Send membership/orders to:
Big DIpper Financial Secretary ℅ Kathryn Venable P. O. Box 6011Pocatello, ID 83205
DUES ARE $10.00
Membership Form